The Space and Sports exhibition launches the countdown to the Olympic Games

With its temporary Space and Sport exhibition, the Cité de l’espace in Februray launched its programming for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Celebrating bodies put to the test, minds of steel and team spirit, the exhibition Located in the Astralia hall helps visitors to better understand the similarities between astronauts and athletes, while celebrating the common values between the two fields, space and sports. May 26th sunday will be the high point of this sports oriented program: it will be a big day of celebration devoted to the Astrolympic Games, a theme shared by the 2024 edition of the Children’s Scientific Congress. The program will include round tables, conferences with guests on sports and space, as well as physically stimulating exercises to explore the unique links between these two worlds.
Photo : ©JAXA-NASAA.-Hoshide